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L'impostazione può essere definita in modo specifico per i diversi siti e applicazioni web. Inoltre i browser consentono di definire impostazioni diverse per i cookie "proprietari" e per quelli di "terze parti". A titolo di esempio, in Firefox, attraverso il menu Strumenti->Opzioni->Privacy, è possibile accedere ad un pannello di controllo dove è possibile definire se accettare o meno i diversi tipi di cookie e procedere alla loro rimozione. In internet è facilmente reperibile la documentazione su come impostare le regole di gestione dei cookies per il proprio browser, a titolo di esempio si riportano alcuni indirizzi relativi ai principali browser:

Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie

Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9

Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.html

Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=it_IT

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    Blauvelt, Christian (February 23, 2011). "Lady Gaga talks early struggles, denies lip-synching, shouts-out Liza Minnelli and Marisa Tomei at Madison Square Garden".

    Allaire, Christian (April 19, 2020). "Lady Gaga Hosts the 'One World: Together at Home' Concert in Suitably Minimalist Style".

    Smith, Emily Esfahani (April 7, 2010). "The Pop Singer as Ultimate Predator".
    Smith, Troy L. (September 9, 2015). "Lady Gaga's meat costume enters the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Thursday".
    Vena, Jocelyn (September 13, 2009). "Lady Gaga Lets It Bleed During Eye-Popping VMA Performance".
    Vena, Jocelyn (March 21, 2011). "Lady Gaga Designs Japanese Tsunami Relief Wristband".
    Vena, Jocelyn (February 5, 2010). "Lady Gaga Explains Her Absence From 'We Are The World' Recording".
    Odell, Amy (February 3, 2010). "Lady Gaga dedicates her new 'Little Monsters' tattoo to her followers".
    Sciarretto, Amy (October 21, 2010). "Lady Gaga Doesn't Lip Sync".
    Shafer, Ellise (May 21, 2020). "Lady Gaga Talks Mental Health, Mentoring Ariana Grande and Making 'Chromatica' in Zane Lowe Interview".
    González Whitaker, Isabel (May 30, 2016). "Vice President Joe Biden on His It's On Us Initiative to End Sexual Assault on College Campuses and Teaming Up With Lady Gaga: Exclusive".

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    San Francisco Bay
    San Francisco Peninsula
    San Francisco Bay Area
    Silicon Valley
    Stanford University
    San José
    Sun Microsystems
    Social psychology
    Shakespearean Tragedies
    Suleiman the Magnificent
    Selim Bulut
    Science Fiction Fandom
    Science fiction fandom in Sweden
    Sugarhill Gang
    Smoking pipe (tobacco)
    Swiss cheese
    Spontaneous combustion
    Smoke signal
    Samuel F. B. Morse
    Soap opera
    Software engineering
    Software Engineering Institute
    Software disaster
    Swedish Academy
    Svenska Dagbladet
    Seven Wonders of the World
    Sture Allén
    South Korea
    History of South Korea
    Geography of South Korea
    Demographics of South Korea
    Politics of South Korea
    Economy of South Korea
    Communications in South Korea
    Transportation in South Korea
    Military of South Korea
    Foreign relations of South Korea
    Cities of South Korea
    South Korea/Language
    Schoolly D
    Rock, Paper, Scissors
    Sardo logudorese
    Sardinian language
    Shot reverse shot
    Stop movement
    Screwball comedy movie
    List of science fiction films
    Swedish municipality
    Sir Charles Lyell
    Science fiction/feminism
    New Wave (science fiction)
    Science fiction/authors
    Science fiction/Hard science fiction
    Science fiction/Soft science fiction
    Science fiction/Space Opera
    Science fiction/Space opera
    Administrative division
    Social democracy
    Service mark
    Swiss Rap
    Spanish Rap
    Scott Adams
    Stainless steel
    Stig Anderson
    Soft consume
    Steve Kille
    Steve Crocker
    Seven Years War
    Sub-Saharan Africa
    Sahara Desert (ecoregion)
    Søren Kierkegaard
    Star Trek: The Next Generation
    Star Trek: The Original Series
    Star Trek/Star Trek VOY
    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    Star Trek: Enterprise
    List of Star Trek: Enterprise episodes
    Doctor (Star Trek)
    Star Trek/tribble
    Star Trek: Generations
    Kathryn Janeway
    B'Elanna Torres
    Maquis (Star Trek)
    Kes (Star Trek)
    Star Trek/Voyager
    List of Star Trek: The Original Series episodes
    Star Trek/Star Trek Enterprise
    Star Trek: The Animated Series
    Star Trek/Trekkies
    Tom Paris
    Star Trek/Trekkers
    Star Trek/Trekker
    Star Trek: First Contact
    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
    Borg (Star Trek)
    Q (Star Trek)
    Gamma Quadrant
    Star Trek: Voyager
    Beverly Crusher
    Zephram Cochrane
    Leonard McCoy
    Star Trek/Klingon
    Deanna Troi
    Geordi La Forge
    Hoshi Sato
    Starship Enterprise
    Sulphur (disambiguation)
    Sorbian languages
    Sami people today
    SPD (disambiguation)
    Star Wars/Wedge Antilles
    Star Wars/X-wing
    Star Wars/Boba Fett
    Star Wars/Endor
    Star Wars/TIE Advanced
    Star Wars/TIE Fighter
    Star Wars/TIE Interceptor
    Star Wars/Star Destroyer
    Star Wars/Super Star Destroyer
    Star Wars/Queen Amidala
    Star Wars/A-wing
    Star Wars/TIE Bomber
    Star Wars/B-wing
    Star Wars/Y-wing
    Star Wars/Jar Jar Binks
    Star Wars/Lando Calrissian
    Star Wars/Princess Leia
    Star Wars/Super Star Destroyer Talk
    Star Wars/Shmi Skywalker
    Star Wars/Death star
    Sheryl Crow
    Structuralist film concept
    Svenska Akademiens Ordlista
    Stockholm School of Economics
    Stockholm University
    Scotland Yard
    Sherlock Holmes
    Scroll (disambiguation)
    Slow fire
    Sequential entry
    Southern Poverty Law Center
    Shiv Sena
    San Francisco 49ers
    San Diego Chargers
    Swiss German
    Snare drum
    History of Saint Helena
    Geography of Saint Helena
    Demographics of Saint Helena
    Politics of Saint Helena
    Economy of Saint Helena
    Communications on Saint Helena
    Transport on Saint Helena
    Military of Saint Helena
    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    History of Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Geography of Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Demographics of Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Politics of Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Saint Kitts and Nevis/Economy
    Saint Kitts and Nevis/Communications
    Transport in Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Military of Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Foreign relations of Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Saint Lucia
    History of Saint Lucia
    Geography of Saint Lucia
    Demographics of Saint Lucia
    Politics of Saint Lucia
    Economy of Saint Lucia
    Communications in Saint Lucia
    Transport in Saint Lucia
    Military of Saint Lucia
    Foreign relations of Saint Lucia
    Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
    Geography of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
    Demographics of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
    Politics of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
    Economy of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
    Communications in Saint Pierre and Miquelon
    Transportation in Saint Pierre and Miquelon
    Saint Pierre and Miquelon/Transnational difficulties
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    History of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Geography of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Demographics of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Politics of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Economy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Communications in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Transport in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Military of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Foreign relations of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    History of Samoa
    Geography of Samoa
    Demographics of Samoa
    Politics of Samoa
    Economy of Samoa
    Communications in Samoa
    Transport in Samoa
    Military of Samoa
    San Marino
    History of San Marino
    Geography of San Marino
    Demographics of San Marino
    Politics of San Marino
    Economy of San Marino
    Communications in San Marino
    Transport in San Marino
    Military of San Marino
    Foreign relations of San Marino
    Sao Tome and Principe
    History of São Tomé and Príncipe
    Geography of São Tomé and Príncipe
    Demographics of São Tomé and Príncipe
    Politics of São Tomé and Príncipe
    Sao Tome and Principe/Economy
    Communications in São Tomé and Príncipe
    Transport in São Tomé and Príncipe
    Military of São Tomé and Príncipe
    Sao Tome and Principe/Transnational issues
    History of Saudi Arabia
    Geography of Saudi Arabia
    Demographics of Saudi Arabia
    Politics of Saudi Arabia
    Economy of Saudi Arabia
    Communications in Saudi Arabia
    Transport in Saudi Arabia
    Military of Saudi Arabia
    Foreign relations of Saudi Arabia
    History of Senegal
    Geography of Senegal
    Demographics of Senegal
    Politics of Senegal
    Economy of Senegal
    Communications in Senegal
    Transport in Senegal
    Military of Senegal
    Foreign relations of Senegal
    Serbia and Montenegro
    Serbia and Montenegro/History
    Serbia and Montenegro/Geography
    Serbia and Montenegro/People
    Serbia and Montenegro/Government
    Serbia and Montenegro/Economy
    Serbia and Montenegro/Communications
    Serbia and Montenegro/Transportation
    Serbia and Montenegro/Military
    Serbia and Montenegro/Transnational concerns
    History of Seychelles
    Demographics of Seychelles
    Politics of Seychelles
    Economy of Seychelles
    Communications in Seychelles
    Transport in Seychelles
    Military of Seychelles
    Foreign relations of Seychelles
    Sierra Leone
    History of Sierra Leone
    Geography of Sierra Leone
    Demographics of Sierra Leone
    Politics of Sierra Leone
    Economy of Sierra Leone
    Communications in Sierra Leone
    Transport in Sierra Leone
    Military of Sierra Leone
    Geography of Singapore
    Demographics of Singapore
    Politics of Singapore
    Communications in Singapore
    Transport in Singapore
    Military of Singapore
    Foreign relations of Singapore
    History of Slovakia
    Geography of Slovakia
    Demographics of Slovakia
    Politics of Slovakia
    Economy of Slovakia
    Communications in Slovakia
    Transport in Slovakia
    Military of Slovakia
    Foreign relations of Slovakia
    Steven Soderbergh
    History of Slovenia
    Geography of Slovenia
    Demographics of Slovenia
    Politics of Slovenia
    Economy of Slovenia
    Communications in Slovenia
    Transport in Slovenia
    Military of Slovenia
    Foreign relations of Slovenia
    History of the Solomon Islands
    Geography of the Solomon Islands
    Demographics of the Solomon Islands
    Politics of the Solomon Islands
    Solomon Islands/Economy
    Communications in the Solomon Islands
    Transport in the Solomon Islands
    Military of the Solomon Islands
    Solomon Islands/Transnational difficulties
    History of Somalia
    Demographics of Somalia
    Economy of Somalia
    Communications in Somalia
    Transport in Somalia
    Politics of Somalia
    Military of Somalia
    Foreign relations of Somalia
    South Africa/History
    South Africa/Geography
    South Africa/People
    Politics of South Africa
    Economy of South Africa
    Communications in South Africa
    Transport in South Africa
    Military of South Africa
    Foreign relations of South Africa
    South Africa/Provinces
    Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1987
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/History
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/Communications
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/Geography
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/People
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/Government
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/Economy
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/Transportation
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/Military
    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands/Transnational troubles
    Geography of Spain
    Demographics of Spain
    Politics of Spain
    Economy of Spain
    Communications in Spain
    Transport in Spain
    Military of Spain
    Foreign relations of Spain
    Spratly Islands
    History of the Spratly Islands
    Geography of the Spratly Islands
    Spratly Islands/People
    Spratly Islands/Government
    Economy of the Spratly Islands
    Spratly Islands/Communications
    Transportation in the Spratly Islands
    Spratly Islands/Military
    Spratly Islands/Transnational difficulties
    History of Sri Lanka
    Geography of Sri Lanka
    Demographics of Sri Lanka
    Politics of Sri Lanka
    Economy of Sri Lanka
    Communications in Sri Lanka
    Transport in Sri Lanka
    Military of Sri Lanka
    History of Sudan
    Geography of Sudan
    Demographics of Sudan
    Politics of Sudan
    Economy of Sudan
    Communications in Sudan
    Transport in Sudan
    Military of Sudan
    Foreign relations of Sudan
    Human rights in Sudan
    Geography of Suriname
    Demographics of Suriname
    Politics of Suriname
    Economy of Suriname
    Communications in Suriname
    Transport in Suriname
    Military of Suriname
    Foreign relations of Suriname
    Geography of Svalbard
    Geography of Swaziland
    Demographics of Swaziland
    Politics of Swaziland
    Economy of Swaziland
    Communications in Swaziland
    Transport in Swaziland
    Military of Swaziland
    Foreign relations of Swaziland
    History of Switzerland
    Geography of Switzerland
    Demographics of Switzerland
    Politics of Switzerland
    Economy of Switzerland
    Communications in Switzerland
    Transport in Switzerland
    Military of Switzerland
    Foreign relations of Switzerland
    Languages of Switzerland
    History of Syria
    Geography of Syria
    Demographics of Syria
    Politics of Syria
    Economy of Syria
    Communications in Syria
    Transport in Syria
    Military of Syria
    Foreign relations of Syria
    Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    Superconductor (disambiguation)
    Split monitor (film)
    Software documentation
    Social agreement theories
    Sense and Sensibility
    St. Petersburg, Russia
    Sveriges Riksbank
    Stone, paper, scissors
    Stephen King/The Shining
    Stephen King/Reference literature
    Stephen King/On Writing
    Stephen King/Hearts in Atlantis
    Stephen King/The Green Mile
    Stephen King/4 Past Midnight
    Stephen King/Castle Rock
    Stephen King/Geralds Game
    Stephen King/Dolores Claiborne
    Stephen King/Blood and Smoke
    Stephen King/Riding the Bullet
    Stephen King/The Plant
    Stephen King/Philtrum Press
    Stephen King/Night Shift
    Stephen King/Skeleton Crew
    Stephen King/Nightmares and Dreamscapes
    Stephen King/6 Stories
    Stephen King/The New Lieutenants Rap
    Stephen King/Umneys Last Case
    Stephen King/Films
    Stephen King/The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
    Stephen King/Different Seasons
    Stephen King/Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
    Stephen King/Apt Pupil
    Stephen King/The Body
    Stephen King/Short fiction
    September 1
    September two
    September 21
    September 28
    Science fiction authors
    Sprouts (activity)
    Surreal numbers
    SUSE Linux
    Sexual intercourse
    List of Spanish-language poets
    Sealion (disambiguation)
    Set theory
    Sabine Baring-Gould
    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    Solar deity
    Stendhal syndrome
    Spanish proverbs
    Suad Husni
    Software Devlopment Process
    Software enhancement procedure
    Summer Olympic Games
    Substance concept
    Samurai 1-- Musashi Miyamoto
    Simon Flexner
    Statistical regularity
    Statistical model
    Statistical inference
    Survey sampling
    Statistical concept
    Statistical device
    Statistical assembly
    Stimulus-reaction model
    Statified sampling
    Statistical inhabitants
    Sample (studies)
    Summary studies
    Range (studies)
    Statistical dispersion
    Standard deviation
    Statistical variability
    Statistical assumption
    Statistical independence
    Sherrié Austin
    Stratified sampling
    Copyright Term Extension Act
    Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
    Soul Coughing
    Science fiction on tv
    Sarah Michelle Gellar
    Sonic screwdriver
    Slide guitar
    Steel guitar
    Stephen Kleene
    Walk (Sheepshead)
    Leasters (Sheepshead)
    Schmear (Sheepshead)
    Schneider (Sheepshead)
    Long (Sheepshead)
    Blind (Sheepshead)
    Variations of Sheepshead
    Stanley Milgram
    Sénégal River
    Strict subset
    Sima Qian
    Structural geology
    Samuel Beckett
    Sam Peckinpah
    Sinai Peninsula
    Spy fiction
    Star peak challenge
    William Crookes
    September sixteen
    September 23
    Symbolic Logic
    Symbolic logic
    Sonny Bono
    Single market place
    Special administrative area (People's Republic of China)
    Superstring concept
    Seattle Mariners
    Source code
    Spectral Masking
    Shuttle Cock
    Sturgeons regulation
    Spanish delicacies
    Santiago de Compostela
    Salamanca, Spain
    Slashdot result
    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
    Sir Thomas More
    Soldering iron
    Sergei Prokofiev
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Saint Louis Missouri
    Saxon people
    Sumerian Mythology
    Social protection
    Steam motor
    Structured programming
    Semiconductor fabrication
    Spectroscopic analysis
    Sign language
    String (pc science)
    Socialist law
    Sir Isaac Newton
    Saint Louis
    St. Louis.

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